a number to call

美 [ə ˈnʌmbər tu kɔːl]英 [ə ˈnʌmbə(r) tu kɔːl]
  • 呼叫号码
a number to calla number to call
  1. To test out a phone-based application , you obviously need a phone , and that implies a number to call .


  2. Is there a number to call for weather information ?


  3. A number to call in case of emergency . He was able to witness the accident first hand .


  4. Having a number to call or an actual location you can go to can be very helpful when you need help or are looking for answers .


  5. I am going to give you a phone number to call in case of an emergency .


  6. Please enter a number to disable call waiting .


  7. Sometimes when I walked along the main road I saw chalked messages on the sides of buildings . CONTACT US FOR JIHAD TRAINING , they would say , listing a phone number to call .


  8. 520 We have a toll-free number for customers to call .


  9. We have a toll-free number for customers to call .


  10. The first bean will make a choice , based on a random number , to either call the second bean or not .
